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Catfight@OK Corral
Mrs. Wyatt Earp, premiere AZ Centennial Plays Phoenix Theatre July, ASU Drama Oct.-Nov. 2011; Cast 6: 3M, 3F one African-American
Lady Machu
immigrant Peruvian grandmother searches for her stolen granddaughter, priest & surgeon cousin meet child molesters “docudrama” recording...
Prison, Break!
Saint Paul imprisoned with modern felons, ancient freedom fighters, women he entrusts with directing church finances, jailer’s young...
Code Name Aphrodite
World War Two tragedy of the romance, death, of US Air Corps pilot Joseph Kennedy Jr., on that mission; his English-actress fiancée plays...
Jen Marches Home: The Irish Prince of a Girl
(immigrant woman Civil War veteran fights till her deathbed for her rights) Cast 7: 3F, 4M one African-American; table readings Synergy...
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